Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Awesome Train podcast #016

July 8th, 2009

THIS WEEK the Awesome Train is back on the tracks kids! Come pay your tribute to Jacko with us - ponder if Chris Brown has a death wish in the rap community - more crummy 80's toys being turned into crummy new movies - get answers to how creepy you might be for looking at Star Wars toys at 1AM - and check out odd news stories.

DOWNLOAD Awesome Train podcast #016

Major Lazer: 'Mary Jane' feat. Mr Evil & Mapei
Discovery: 'I Want You Back'
Think About Life: 'Sweet Sixteen'
Marmaduke Duke: 'Rubber Lover'
Best Coast: 'Sun Was High (So Was I)'

Kellie Pickler secretly dating Kid Rock for over a year (from the Superficial)
'Asteroids': That's a Movie Now (from I Watch Stuff)
'View-Master' Movie Now Most Ridiculous '80s Toy Movie (from I Watch Stuff)
Worst Rap Battle Ever
Man says bear mugged him for his Italian sandwich
New Swiss firefighting tool: TV remote control
Woman allegedly pranks her grandma 45 times in day

EXPLICIT (for language/content)
Exported at: 64Mhz
00:53:37, 24Mb

Jonathan & Greg
***Please leave comments.

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